An enchanting tale that transports you to a world of gypsies and pirates.

The Changing Tide, Book One of Rogue Elegance, is a great opening novel for the trilogy. The tale weaves between individual backstories and an integrated storyline, providing multiple perspectives and insights. There were many characters, but the unique gypsy naming, such as Emerala the Rogue, Seranai the Fair, Nerani the Elegant, and Roberts the Valliant, helped me remember them. There was enough going on to keep a reader on the edge of his or her seat, without being complicated.
It took only a few pages to become engrossed in the story and sympathetic to Emerala the Rogue’s plight. Who doesn’t battle with their past, expectations of their peers and insecurities? And a gypsy story wouldn’t be complete without a villainous king, ruthless guardsmen and forbidden love.
Dowling has a straight-forward, effortless writing style that brings the reader into the story without losing them in unnecessary details or cumbersome phrasing. It was the perfect balance of quick wit, internal dialogue, action and intrigue.
This story had it all – villains, pirates, sword fights and forbidden romance, and left me eagerly downloading the next book in the trilogy.